Protective factors of children and families at highest risk of adverse childhood experiences: An analysis of children and families in the Growing up in New Zealand data who “beat the odds”

With increasing access to integrated administrative data, it is easy to identify infants who are likely to suffer childhood adversities. However, many infants who appear “at risk” end up thriving - experiencing few of the adversities that beset other children with similar risk factors. Understanding what helps children “beat the odds” is important for policymakers and frontline services that want to help families at risk. This report authored by Matthew Walsh, Tim Maloney (CSDA co-director 2016-2019), Rhema Vaithianathan and Sophie Joyce analyses the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) birth cohort to identify protective factors for at-risk children who “beat the odds”.

Walsh, M. C., Maloney, T., Vaithianathan, R., & Joyce, S. (2019). Protective factors of children and families at highest risk of adverse childhood experiences: An analysis of children and families in the Growing up in New Zealand data who "beat the odds". Wellington: Ministry of Social Development.

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