Exploring the protective factors of children and families identified at highest risk of adverse childhood experiences by a predictive risk model: An analysis of the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort

The authors explore what protective factors might exist for the families of children identified by a predictive risk model as at high risk of experiencing adverse childhood experiences. Identifying protective factors is an important step in designing preventive services for families as well as helping social workers take a strengths-based approach to these families.  The authors identify 56 factors associated with protective effects against adversities and find that a positive mother-partner relationship helps children at risk of adversities.

Walsh, M. C., Joyce, S., Maloney, T., & Vaithianathan, R. (2019). Exploring the Protective Factors of Children and Families Identified at Highest Risk of Adverse Childhood Experiences by a Predictive Risk Model: An Analysis of the Growing up in New Zealand Cohort. Children and Youth Services Review, 104556.

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