Ethically leveraging data insights

Government agencies around the world are increasingly wanting to learn how to ethically leverage data insights for the better matching of services to population needs, Professor Rhema Vaithianathan says.
The Director of AUT’s Centre for Social Data Analytics (CSDA) was recently invited by the Abu Dhabi Government, along with international collaborators Emily Putnam-Hornstein and Erin Dalton, to present their work to a conference for agencies across the government sector.
The invitation was from the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority (ECA) who wanted to learn about how integrated administrative data can be used to better serve children.
The team shared some of their research and insights about the deployment of tools as well as evaluation of their impact.
“The ECA was looking for examples of the use of integrated data, and they found that our team’s work was one of the few that had taken research into practice,” Professor Vaithianathan says.