CSDA Child Welfare work shared at Nobel Conference 57: Watch

CSDA Director Rhema Vaithianathan was one of seven international data experts who presented at the 57th Nobel Conference, “Big Data REVolution”, hosted by Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota (US) and held online in October.
The speakers approached the theme of big data challenges and opportunities from a range of perspectives. Rhema Vaithianathan spoke about the challenges facing child protection agencies that must triage incoming calls about child abuse and neglect while striking a balance between protecting children from harm and minimising unnecessary intrusion into the lives of children and families, and explained how ethical predictive risk modelling tools can help.
The other six talks at the conference spanned data-driven decision making (Talitha Williams), data for environmental policy (Francesca Dominici), data for public health crises (Michael Osterholm), interpretable machine learning (Cynthia Rudin), machine learning in healthcare (Pilar Ossoriuo) and racial disparities in data (Wendy Chun). All keynotes and the panel discussions can be viewed here.
Watch Rhema’s talk at the Nobel Conference: